
Experts Make the Expedition
Personalized polar journeys without peer

As the first cruise line to combine extreme discovery with uncompromised butler-serviced comfort, Silversea Expeditions offers curious adventurers a matchless, highly immersive experience in the most remote regions of our planet. And few itineraries venture further from the beaten path than ours to the High Arctic and Antarctica.

Imagine this: you’re ensconced aboard an ultra-luxury, state-of-the-art Silversea ship. Your butler has just brought piping hot coffee and fresh croissants up to your suite’s veranda so you can savor the morning sun as it ascends over Antarctic Sound. Crimson red skies give way to dazzling blue as colonies of Adèlie penguins slowly shake themselves awake. The shifting polar ice creaks as Weddell seals roll their splotchy fur coats in a blanket of fresh-fallen snow. Inland, rugged mountains vault skyward over fjords teeming with wildlife you’ll encounter nowhere else. Today, your sole mission is to explore their pristine world up-close – via Zodiac, kayak, trekking on foot – masterfully guided by an Expedition Team chosen for their deep destination knowledge and expertise in fields ranging from marine biology to ornithology, cultural history, photography, and more.

Alternatively, on this same morning, thousands of miles to the Far North, you might find yourself on the observation deck of a comparably plush Silversea vessel off the coast of Svalbard. Throngs of guillemots and razorbills squabble noisily, and just minutes ago, a polar bear mother and cubs were prowling for unwary walruses on the floes. Having attended the naturalist briefing last evening, you know what to expect as you spend this day exploring this ice-clad archipelago perched in the Barents Sea, halfway between Norway and the North Pole. It’s a magnificent frozen world up here, different than northern Iceland, which was the most amazing place on this voyage…until today.

Life is good. Incredibly good, indeed.

Exploring in Style

Heeding the Call of the Wild

A Silversea Expedition voyage is far more than a holiday; it is an odyssey. A transformative journey to the far reaches of the world to feel the undiluted rush of the unknown – while avoiding the deprivations of those bold early explorers like Roald Amundson, Henry Hudson, and William Baffin who paved the way for us to follow.

Whether marveling at the labyrinthine straits of the Northwest Passage or paying your respects to Shackleton on glacier-covered South Georgia island, aka the Serengeti of the Southern Ocean, you will be among the few travelers privileged to land on many of these distant shores. And that experience has a lasting, remarkably positive effect on your life.

Discover More

Personalized, Destination-Specific Guidance at Every Turn

Each itinerary has a curated Expedition Team with a wide range of naturalist and eco-science specialties whose passion and expertise take your journey to the edge of extraordinary. Thanks to our generous expert-to-guest ratio of 1:10, these specialists can focus fully on individualizing your discoveries – their diverse talents exceeded only by their commitment to perfecting your Expedition experience. From identifying birds on the fly, to finessing camera settings for a prize-worthy shot, to decoding the meaning of an Inuit chant – they’re on it.

Did You Know…

Birds That Have No Fear

South Georgia Island’s charcoal-black, snow-dusted mountains perfectly match the color scheme of its most famous residents, the vast colonies of king penguins who congregate and breed here. As in the Falklands and on the Antarctic Peninsula, Silversea guests can enjoy truly interactive and unforgettable encounters with these charming creatures.