At Nexion, we believe that donating to a charitable organization helps make the difference we’re unable to provide with our own hands. Your donations to these charitable organization fund more research, education products, and scholarships within the travel industry. Please consider donating today to causes you care about.
There are a lot of people within the travel industry family — more than 200,000 individual travel agents, suppliers and individuals within their communities — and some struggle with unforeseen circumstances that affect them financially. The Family Bonds Foundation was started to help our members when hardships arise…and you can help.
Nexion Day of Giving is an opportunity for everyone to come together through generosity in all its forms by sharing acts of kindness and giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support communities and causes. Day of Giving is a company-wide event that is celebrated by Nexion & Internova Travel Group.
The American Society of Travel Advisors’ Political Action Committee (ASTAPAC) was established in 1979 to represent the collective voice of the Society’s travel advisor membership before the United States Congress and the White House. For more than 40 years, ASTAPAC has served as the only PAC for travel advisors, educating elected officials about our issues and counterbalancing opposing positions.